Profectio (c) Roland Breitenfeld
ensemble profectio initiative freiburg
Mi 06.04. | 20:00 Uhr | Saal im EWERK Freiburg
Das ensemble profectio initiative freiburg wurde im Jahr 1991 von Roland Breitenfeld und Donoung Lee gegründet. „30+1“ ist das wegen Corona 2022 nachgeholte Jubiläumskonzert.
„30+“ das sind mehr als 30 Jahre vielfältigster musikalischer Klangschattierungen in deren Mittelpunkt kontinuierlich die Verbindung zu (live-)elektronischen Klängen und anderen Medien gesucht wurde – unter dem Motto „profectio – Aufbruch zu etwas Neuem hin“.
Doch es soll für das Ensemble nicht nur ein Rückblick sein, sondern auch ein Neustart: „+1“. Maßgebend sind dabei immer wieder die unterschiedlichsten Handschriften der Komponist*innen. Für dieses Konzert stehen sie in sehr engem Kontakt zur Freiburger Musikszene und gelten als Wegbereiter für die neue Klang- und Videoszene: Donoung Lee, Hiromi Ishii, Luigi Nono, Wilfried Jentzsch, Mesias Maiguashca, Roland Breitenfeld und Nam June Paik.
Ullo von Peinen, Sprecher
Frank Miachael, Flöte
Alexander Ott, Oboe / Engl. Horn / Oboe d’amore
Walter Ifrim, Klarinette
Alfonso Gomez, Klavier
Klangregie: Hiromi Ishii, Wilfiried Jentzsch, Mesias Maiguashca
Video/Bild-Regie: Hiromi Ishii, Carlos Poete
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (Live-Elektronik & Klangregie)Gesamtleitung: Roland Breitenfeld
Gefördert von Kulturamt der Stadt Freiburg und dem Regierungspräsidium Freiburg
Eintritt: 17,00 €/13,00
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Roland Breitenfeld
Roland Breitenfeld was born in Dresden in 1952. He received his first formal musical schooling during his time as a member of the Dresdener Kreuzchor 1963-1968 headed by Rudolf Mauersberger.
From 1972 to 1984 he worked at the music department of the Saxon State Library in Dresden. He studied musicology in 1974/75 at the Martin-Luther-University in Halle. In 1978 he began to study composition with Paul-Heinz Dittrich in Zeuthen and further with Wilfried Krätzschmar at the music academy in Dresden from 1980 to 1982.
Since 1984 Roland Breitenfeld has been based in Freiburg i. Br.
He continued his studies at the state music academy in Freiburg with Klaus Huber (composition), Emmanuel Nunes (composition) and Mesias Maiguashca (electronic and computer music).
Intermediately, he worked as a freelancer for various music publishers, e.g. for Ricordi, Milano from 1987 to 1993 (edition of scores of works with live-electronics by Luigi Nono in cooperation with the Experimental-Studio of the Heinrich-Strobel-Foundation at the Südwestfunk (SWF) in Freiburg. Up until Nono's death, Roland Breitenfeld and Luigi Nono developed a close working relationship.
Don Oung Lee and Roland Breitenfeld founded the profectio-initiative freiburg, an ensemble for electronic and contemporary music in 1991.
Since 1992 he has worked as a freelancer at the Experimental-Studio in Freiburg. In 1994 he was awarded a scholarship of the Foundation Kulturfond Berlin, and in 1995/96 accepted a scholarship of the State of Baden-Württemberg in conjunction with an assistantship for computer-notation at the electronic-studio of the state music academy in Freiburg.
With Mesias Maiguashca (www.maiguashca.de), he established the K.O.-Studio (KlangObjekt-Studio) in Freiburg since 1998 which is directed on the production and staging of computer based music.
From 2006 to 2017 he was professor of composition and electronic music at the Seoul National University (SNU) in Seoul, South Korea.
He has appeared at various European and Asian festivals as a performer of electronic contemporary music.
His works have been performed in Europe, Asia and South America.